Monday 16 April 2018

How metals react in vinegar mixed with salt

How metals react in vinegar mixed with salt 😝

Hi I'm Isla and I'm going to tell you how metals react in vinegar.


Teaspoon iron nail

Zinc nail

Copper stick

Small plastic cups x3

Sand paper

Aluminum foil

Rock salt 


Iron nails


1.Get 1 small plastic cup and use the sand paper to rub it against the copper.

2.Snap the copper in 2 and put it to one side.

3.Pour the vinegar into the small plastic cup, take some rock salt and put it on the teaspoon until it's 1/8 of the way full.

4. Tip the rock salt into the vinegar and plop the copper in, leave it to rest for 1 hour.

5.Once it has been an hour get the other 2 plastic cups and pour the vinegar halfway ,take the rock salt and put it on the teaspoon until it's 1/8 of the way full.

6.Pour it into 1 of the vinegar cups and and do the same thing again with the rock salt.

7.  Put iron nail into one of the cups and aluminium foil into the other.

8. Watch what happens!!!

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