Friday, 5 April 2019

I made my house out of cardboard

Friday 5 April

Caritas Challenge

Hello weekly post time.  Yesterday we did the Caritas challenge.  So me, Simon, Rose, Elish, Julia, Hannah and Lexie built a house out of cardboard ( and duck tape and a tarpaulin).  It didn't take us too long we just had to find an area, put down the floor, cut the cardboard, tape it together and put the tarp over it.  I taped some cardboard to the edge of the house and then we had a long thin piece of cardboard holding up the tarp.  It was BOILING in there.  Then at lunch we had plain rice.  No meat, no veges, just rice.  We weren't allowed to use spoons or forks, we had to use our hands.  I had so much fun yesterday  but the highlight for me had to be eating rice with my hands mainly because I'm not allowed to do it at home.  An interesting part for me had to be building the fort while thinking but how the people in South Sudan do it.  I struggled to even build a small fort that had to hold 7 people (I got very frustrated with one of our walls).  But the people in South Sudan must get so annoyed with their houses.  Think about how they have to get the materials they have to build it ,then wait for it to dry.  If I could go over to South Sudan and help I would help with the food.  Plain rice would be okay but having it over and over again would make me sick.  Thanks for reading.

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