Friday 17 May 2019

Weekly update

Friday 17 May

Good morning.  This week has been very exciting! On Monday we had chapter chat and a values assembly.  Our values assembly was about anti-bullying and also about responsibility and how we should be responsible for our actions.  On Tuesday my friend Simon and I stayed in at morning tea and learnt how to make a brochure using Google docs, but other than that it was pretty normal.  On Wednesday it was a pretty average day as well.  There was no lit club on but I did ride a unicycle at Hoon Hay Primary School for the first time. On Thursday we had winter sports.  For winter sports I played netball.  It was the O.L.A Bell birds versus Sacred Heart.  My team won 12 to 6.  Today it's Pink Shirt day.  I wore my pink nike shirt.  Pink shirt day is all about anti-bullying.  All over the world people are wear pink shirts.  Today is also the last day of doing our eel action plan.  I really hope that we can print and hand out all the flyers.

Thank you for reading.

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